

모든 컴퓨터 비젼 연구자들이 알아야 할 20개의 techniques

MS의 Rick Szeliski 박사님과 옥스포드의 Andrew Zisserman 교수님이 이야기하는 “모든 컴퓨터 비젼 연구자들이 알아야 할 20개의 techniques”.

  1. Image formation and optics
  2. Image processing, filtering, Fourier analysis
  3. Pyramids and wavelets
  4. Feature extraction
  5. Image matching
  6. Bag of words
  7. Optical flow
  8. Structure from motion
  9. Multi view stereo
  10. Segmentation
  11. Clustering
  12. Viola-Jones
  13. Bayesian techniques
  14. Machine learning
  15. RANSAC and robust techniques
  16. Numerical methods
  17. Optimization
  18. Range finding, active illumination
  19. Algorithms
  20. Graph cuts
  21. Dynamic programming
  22. Complexity analysis
  23. MATLAB and C++. and assembly (optional: GPU programming)
  24. Communication and presentation skills
