
리뷰: A Survey on Few-ShotLearning

Generalizing from a Few Examples: A Survey on Few-ShotLearning


1 소개

1.2 표기

2.1 문제정의

Definition 2.1 (Machine Learning [92, 94] ). A computer program is said to learn from experience $E$ with respect to some classes of task $T$ and performance measure $P$ if its performance can improvewith $E$ on $T$ measured by $P$.

$E$: 경험 (experience) - 데이터

$T$: 작업 (task)

$P$: 성능 측정 (performance measure)

성능 $P$는 $T$에 기반한 $E$에 의해 향상되고 $P$에 의해 측정

Definition 2.2.

Few-Shot Learning(FSL) is a type of machine learning problems (specified by $E$, $T$ and $P$), where $E$ contains only a limited number of examples with supervised information for the target $T$.


Few-shot classification

각 입력 $x_i$에 대해 라벨 $y_i$를 예측

N-way-K-shot classification [37, 138]

Few-shot regression [37, 156]

Few-short reinforcement learning [3, 33]

finding a policy given only a few trajectories consisting of state-action pairs

3 typical scenarios of FSL

experience $E$: prior knowledge

One typical type of FSL methods: Bayesianlearning [35,76]

One-shot learning: one example with supervised information in $E$, FSL called One-shot learning [14, 35, 138]

Zero-shot learningproblem (ZSL): $E$ does not contain any example with supervised information for the target $T$, FSL becomes azero-shot learningproblem.

2.2 Relevant Learning Problems

Weakly supervised learning [163] : learns from experience $E$ containing only weak supervision (such as incomplete, inexact, inaccurate or noisy supervised information)

Weakly supervised learning with incomplete supervision: only a smallamount of samples have supervised information

Imbalanced learning [54]: learns from experienceEwith a skewed distribution for $y$

Transfer learning [101]:

Meta-learning [59]: improves $P$ of the new task $T$ by the provided data set and the meta-knowledge extracted across tasks by a meta-learner

Core Issue

the core issue of FSL based on error decomposition in supervised machine learning [17,18]

FSL supervised learning includingclassification and regression

provide insights for understanding FSL reinforcement learning

Empirical Risk Minimization [94, 136]

\[R(h) = \int \mathcal l (h(x), \mathbb d p(x, y) \\ = \mathbb E \left [ \mathcal l (h(x), y) \right ]\]


empirical risk

\(R_I (h) = \frac{1}{I} \sum _{i=1}^I \mathcal l(h(x_i), y_i)\) sed as a proxy forR(h), leading toempirical risk minimization[94,136] (with possiblysome regularizers)

sed as a proxy forR(h), leading to empirical risk minimization [94,136] (with possibly some regularizers)

Total error [17, 18]: $\mathbb E$ $$ \mathbb E[R(h_I) - R(\hat h)] = \mathbb E[R(h^\ast) - R(\hat h)]
